Social Responsibility

Below are some of the entities that the Radar team supports:

Tenis na Lagoa

Tênis na Lagoa is a project that takes place in underprivileged communities promoting human development and social inclusion through sports.

Move Rio

Move Rio is a movement created by a young group of entrepreneurs and autonomous professionals whose main objective is to encourage cariocas to take part on social initiatives in Rio de Janeiro.

Instituto da Criança

Instituto da Criança supports social initiatives in Rio and in São Paulo, such as shelters, day care centers and assistance to persons victims of cerebral palsy, in addition to educational programs and community development projects.

Instituto Vida Real

Instituto Vida Real helps 100 teenagers between 12 and 18 years of age, through computing classes, art workshops (music, serigraphy, graffiti and photography), psychosocial support and extra classes for kids struggling with school. The institute's aim is to give children an opportunity to have a complete education, increasing their learning potential, social conscience, citizenship sense and cultural capital.

Instituto Reação

Instituto Reação is an organization without lucrative purposes which acts in low income communities of Rio de Janeiro, with the objective of promoting human development and social inclusion by means of the practice of Judo and complementary activities - cultural trips, physiotherapeutic care, English lessons, learning support, among others.

Rio Eu Amo Eu Cuido

Rio Eu Amo Eu Cuido is a non-profit movement that believes in the possibility of transforming Rio de Janeiro through small actions within everybody's reach.

Hospital Pequeno Príncipe

Pequeno Príncipe Hospital seeks to improve and expand healthcare services offered to children and adolescents in need. It focuses on reducing child mortality, offering excellent outpatient and hospital care, health education and promoting the rights of children and adolescents.

União Rio

União Rio is a voluntary organization that brings together people and non-governmental organizations that are committed to the State of Rio de Janeiro. Donations are provided for professionals so they can perform their duties safely, without becoming fatal victims of the pandemic. The group also supports thousands of families living in slums and areas of social vulnerability.

Pro Criança Cardíaca

Non-profit medical institution, founded in 1996 by cardiologist Dr. Rosa Celia. It has treated more than 15,000 pediatric cardiac patients in need, performed more than 31,000 outpatient visits and conducted 1,500 invasive procedures, cardiac surgeries and catheterizations.

Parceiros da Educação

It promotes and develops partnerships between civil society, education departments and public schools, aiming at improving students' academic performance and promoting quality public education. In Rio de Janeiro since 2009, it has already benefited over 60,000 students and more than 800 teachers and managers in 26 partnering public schools.

Gerando Falcões

Gerando Falcões operates within a network strategy focused on slums. Its projects are centered on sports and culture for children and adolescents, and on professional qualification for young people and adults. It becomes an engine of income generation for families, including those that have former convicted fellows. It implements a management model inspired by Ambev, with goals, performance indicators, management rituals, career plan and bonus for employees.